The Joseph Middlemiss
Big Heart Foundation, Inc.
On September 23, 2013, six year-old Joseph Scott Middlemiss unexpectedly lost his life unexpectedly to cardiomyopathy (KAR-de-o-mi-OP-ah-thee), which is a disease of the heart muscle.
Music was a constant in Joey’s life. A gifted drummer, music soothed him, excited him, and allowed him to communicate in a way that words could not. Joey loved Star Wars, Spider Man, "his" IPad, Ninja Turtles, crab-fishing at Mem's cottage in Maine, riding his dune buggy, and, most of all, his family. Joey’s infectious laugh, and curly-lashed blue eyes were never happier than the day his baby brother was born.
Joseph's spirit will live on forever in the hearts of all he touched. “This is the best day of my life,” words Joey added to his evening prayers. He demonstrated a passion for living each day to the fullest, exuberating joy that reached out and touched each of our hearts. Joseph's special, big heart held a wisdom and empathy far beyond his six years.
Join us in celebrating Joseph's memory and
continuing his legacy of love and kindness!
The Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation honors Joseph's message of "All You Need is Love" by spreading kindness, empowering children, funding cardiomyopathy research, and supporting families dealing with pediatric cardiac conditions.

JMBH Foundation Initiatives
KINDNESS Initiative
The Joseph Middlemiss
"All You Need is Love" Mission...
fostering the spread and documentation of Random Acts of Kindness on local, national, and international fronts.
Join Us on Facebook and Twitter
SUPPORT Initiative
...to research for and spread awareness of cardiomyopathy
while providing financial, social,
and emotional assistance to families impacted by these
cardiac conditions.