JMBH Kindness Initiative
To expand The Joseph Middlemiss 'All You Need is Love' Mission, fostering the spread and documentation of Random Acts of Kindness on local, national, and international fronts.
"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." ~ Scott Adams (1957)

About the Joseph Middlemiss
& Kindness Initiatives Program
Born with a cardiac condition known as cardiomyopathy, Joseph fought for life from his very first breath. On his first day of life, a chest x-ray revealed an enlarged heart that caused a lifetime of medical struggles. Joseph's desire to live every day to the fullest by spreading love to others was ignited at the moment of birth and continued to blossom as he grew.
Ultimately, Joseph's enlarged heart was the underlying cause of his death, at the too young age of six, on September 23, 2013. But, this BIG HEART also came to symbolize all the love he emulated during his short time with us.
He was our BEAUTIFUL BOY. He loved music, especially The Beatles. He was a drummer. He was smart. He was kind. He exemplified pure LOVE each and every day.
Despite his daily medical and physical obstacles, Joseph always let his big heart shine through. Spreading love was something that came naturally to him. Whether it was with a simple smile for a stranger in passing, an offer to help a friend who was struggling, a hug and words of encouragement extended at just the right time, a song written and presented with the hope of lifting spirits, or other numerous offers of service, Joseph continually shared his love in a way that opened the hearts of family members, friends, and strangers, alike.
Joseph carried out Random Acts of Kindness on a daily basis and exemplified goodness. Although his time here on earth was way too short, he left behind a beautiful legacy of compassion, empathy, and kindness. Joseph’s life, legacy, spirit, smile, and love will never be forgotten.
Kindness Initiative Programs
All You Need is Love Mission: spreading Joseph Middlemiss' message of love, healing, and kindness. All you need is love...give it to someone today.
Kindness Rocks for Joey: spreading Joseph Middlemiss' message of love, healing, and kindness. All you need is love...give it to someone today.
Presentation for Schools, Teams, Community Groups:
Is your school, team, or community group looking for an enrichment opportunity to enhance your school’s social emotional curriculum and community core values? The Joseph Middlemiss Big Heart Foundation “Creating a Ripple of Kindness” presentation has been shared in schools and youth centers throughout the state. Carefully adapted to meet the developmental needs of all students- grades K-12- this presentation (30 minutes for Grades K-2; 60 minutes for Grades 3-12) leaves the audience empowered to make a positive difference by choosing KINDNESS.